glucid Python Documentation¶
glucid is a software package that provides a glucid8824 module which provides a Command Line Interface and api as well as a Glucid8824 class that represents an instance of a Lucid ADA8824
Confirm the glucid8824 module can be imported¶
Within a Python3 interpreter, you may import he glucid8824 module:
>>> from glucid import glucid8824
Simple Example Setting Clock Sync Using Python¶
First, import glucid
>>> import glucid.glucid8824 as glucid
Create a new Glucid8824 object, by default this uses /dev/ttyUSB0
>>> mylucid = glucid.Glucid8824()
We connect to our ADA8824
>>> mylucid.connect()
Check the current clock sync source
>>> mylucid.get_sync_source()
Set the clock sync to WordClock
>>> mylucid.set_sync_source(1)
>>> mylucid.get_sync_source()